A non-profit association
The European Savings Institute (the OEE) is a non-profit association founded in 1999 and chaired until the end of 2020 by Jacques de Larosière, Honorary Governor at the Banque de France, former Managing Director of the IMF, former President of the EBRD and member of the French Academy of Moral and Political Sciences.
Gérard Rameix, former Chairman of the French Financial Markets Authority (the AMF), present Chairman of the Haut Comité Juridique de la Place Financière de Paris (HCJP), succeeded Jacques de Larosière as chairman of the association in December 2020.
The role of savings in growth is often unknown. The OEE’s members consider as important to better understand the determinants and the economic challenges of savings at the level of Europe, whose economies are closely interdependent, in particular within the euro zone.
Funding the research in savings area
This better knowledge begins with the harmonization of statistical processing applied in the various European countries. It presupposes that they are multiplied, on bases as close as possible from one country to another. Since its creation in 1999, the OEE produced or supported more than 50 empirical, descriptive or theoretical studies on savings. The OEE is keen to select study projects that cover several European countries or to cooperate with researchers in order to have comparisons between countries.
The OEE’s members consider as important to increase the level of knowledge, in particular the harmonization of concepts and procedures applied in this field in different countries. This improvement in knowledge is all the more urgent since the influence of the structure of savings on the financing of economic growth is now widely recognized.
The general objective of the observatory is to provide tools of common interest for understanding and interpreting savings data from different countries, as well as the factors that determine these savings: taxation, nature and location of intermediation, and profitability of investments.
Study topics
Each year, the OEE launches a Call for Tenders to carry out studies, the themes of which are chosen by the Scientific Committee chaired by Marie Brière,Head of Investor Intelligence and Academic Partnership at Amundi Institute. The Scientific Committee includes economists, academics, practitioners and finance professionals. The funded studies are presented at conferences bringing together university researchers, savings specialists from financial institutions and regulatory authorities.
Board Meeting
Gérard Rameix, Président du Conseil d’Administration | Elsa Fornero, Vice-Chairwoman of the Board Meeting | Pierre Bollon, General Secretary | Laurent Quignon, Treasurer and representative of BNP Paribas | Thomas Valli, representative of the AFG | Marie Brière, President of the Scientific Commitee and representative of Amundi Asset Management | Christian König, representative of the Association of Private Bausparkassen | Alain Tourdjman, representative of BPCE | François Mouriaux, representative of the Banque de France | Alain Henriot, representative of the Banque Postale | Isabelle Laudier, representative of the Caisse des Dépôts
Scientific Committee
Marie Brière, President | Thomas Valli, AFG | Jean-François Boulier, Af2i | Christian König, Association of Private Bausparkassen | François Mouriaux, Banque de France | Guillaume Prache, Better Finance | Laurent Quignon, BNP Paribas | Auguste Mpacko Priso, BPCE, Alain Tourdjman, BPCE | Isabelle Laudier, Caisse des Dépôts | Josselin Kalifa, CNP Assurances | Jean-Baptiste de Cabanes, CORNET VINCENT SEGUREL | Laurence Martin Carle, Crédit Mutuel | André de Palma, ENS Cachan | Anne Fily, Financité | Michael Haliassos, Goethe University Frankfurt | Bernard Dumas, INSEAD | Jérémy Dudek, Lab4Fin | Alain Henriot, La Banque Postale | André Masson, Paris-Jourdan Sciences Economiques | Guy Laloum, Société Générale | Philippe Trainar, SCOR | Daniele Fano, ST Skills Togeth | Theo Nijman, Tilburg University | Chrisitian Gollier, Toulouse School of Economics | Jean-Luc Prigent, Université de Cergy-Pontoise | Raimond Maurer, Universität Frankfurt Am Main | Axel Börsch-Supan, Universität Mannheim | Bruno Séjourné, Université d’Angers | Philippe Bertrand, Université Aix-Marseille | Eric Jondeau, Université de Lausanne | Michael Rockinger, Université de Lausanne | Anne Lavigne, Université d’Orléans | Patrick Roger, Université de Strasbourg | David Alary, Université de Toulouse | Elsa Fornero, Université de Turin | Maria Cristina Rossi, Université de Turin | Florence Legros, Université Paris-Dauphine | Rob Alessie, Université de Groningen
Grégoire Naacke, Director | Laetitia Gabaut, Economist
Board of directors
Scientific Commitee
Founding Members
Active Members
Associate Members